Reflections: Edition Two

Our mission at Syllogi is to help you travel better and to be a trusted source of travel intel amidst the clutter of information out there. It can sometimes be hard to pinpoint the exact moments illustrating the issues with travel media and the important role we are trying to play – but just this week the perfect example came to light:
A notable publication released its “50 Top Hotels in the World” (one of many “top 50” lists out there). It’s #6 property* is perhaps one of the most disappointing hotels I’ve ever been to. In fact, I was there just 14 months ago, so I’m quite sure not that much has changed to warrant this accolade. Ranked among the caliber of hotels that provide exceptionally thoughtful service and great design, this particular place reeked of smoke akin to a Las Vegas casino, the red velveteen furniture was dreary and dated, and the food and the accompanying performance in the restaurant reminded me of Epcot.
Maybe this publication simply got it wrong, maybe it was just copying other lists, but the more likely scenario is what we see all too often: that hotel paid to be on the list. Commission-driven and ad-based content is often why a hotel that’s undeserving of a top 50 spot lands in the top 10. Another popular source of travel information–Condé Nast Traveler–used to be a fantastic magazine in the 90s, full of helpful and constructive information. On every cover was its mantra “Truth in Travel,” and inside, a promise that the editorial content was completely bias free, that nothing was paid for. That mantra and promise was quietly removed 10 years ago, and since, everything in its pages has become subject to the highest bidder.
Why does this matter to you, the traveller? In an already cluttered space, it’s hard to discover trustworthy sources, which ultimately impacts your trips that you spend precious time and money on. We can’t change this issue overnight, but we can promise that the intel you receive from us will be unbiased, inspiring, and of the highest quality. Our intel is rooted in our experiences and the experiences of the people we know and trust. Syllogi does not take commissions and is actively rethinking the travel business model so that you can get access to excellent information in the quest to save time planning, make decisions easier, and get you enroute to the best possible trip.
In this issue, we discuss the notion of a “travel legacy” and the power your travel and storytelling has in changing other’s lives–essentially traveling for the betterment of others. You’ll be taking a trip through the culinary meccas of the American South, and then discover another gastronomic surprise crossing the Andes Mountains, before being entranced by the taste and scents of Northern Italy.
We hope you have enjoyed these three inaugural issues of our new travel publication, as this is the last complimentary edition. If you have found it helpful, we would love for you to subscribe and support our mission and research. And, when your next trip comes along, we would appreciate nothing more than for you to think of Syllogi as your source of exceptional and trustworthy travel intel.
Thank you,
Erin & Gray
*If you're curious and we know you'll ask: the "50 Best Hotels" list was from 50 Best, more commonly known for their restaurant and bar awards. The #6 hotel is La Mamounia in Marrakech, Morocco.