Read: On the ‘Lo-Fi’
For Dreaming of: Getting Away from it All

At Syllogi, we are always following the latest in travel trends, and one thing we’ve been seeing frequently over the past few years is the desire to get away from it all.
We’ve taken a trio of ‘tearsheets’ from our recent travel magazines for you to gander:
Condé Nast Traveller (UK edition, 12/23) features the notion of staying in a “sleek, back-to-nature cabin” that has minimal amenities, and always features a striking, contemplative view to the calming landscape beyond.

From Travel + Leisure (3/24), they suggest taking the “lo-fi cure” and subscribing to a tech-free vacation.

In the same month, the British Condé Nast Traveller also featured the idea of going phone-free.

Honestly, we say, ‘join the club.’ It has been in our repertoire to turn off our phones on week-long holidays at least once a year for the past decade. In our Essay this week - which is a throwback to 2020 - we then heralded the need for an “Intentional Digital Detox.” There is nothing like detaching oneself, enduring the pain and FOMO of a good detox, then dreading the pile of emails that is building for your return. But, even so, we never feel more refreshed afterward, and honestly fantasize of the ultimate luxury: being permanently detached from the mobile.
Dare to dream.
Photo Source: Condé Nast Traveller UK and Travel + Leisure
Syllogi’s ‘Musings’ is a series helping you paint a picture of a destination while traveling from your living room. From relevant books and articles, inspiring movies and tv shows, to songs and even treats and dishes, our goal is to curate a sensory experience that will prepare you for an upcoming trip, reminiscence on adventures past, or simply to envision a place that exists in your bucket list fantasies.