Resource: Don’t Tip! You might offend your hosts.

In some places, a gratuity is not only unexpected, but it could be offensive.

Resource: Don’t Tip! You might offend your hosts.

Look up tipping customs before you go somewhere, as protocol ranges widely. In the US, expect tips of 20% and sometimes more, but in most European nations, it’s 5-10%.

In Japan, where excellent service is embedded in the culture, tips are not only unnecessary, they also may be considered rude. There are very few occasions in Japan in which a tip would be considered acceptable. 

Many Americans have difficulty comprehending the idea of tipping less than they are used to. But many Europeans actually dislike it, since it has the potential to disrupt their normal standards. (Who doesn’t like receiving more money?) The reality is, European servers are paid a full salary, so they do not need tips to subsidize their income like American servers do.

We found this helpful graphic as a quick reference:

Photo Source: Visual Capitalist

In each publication, Syllogi will share various tips, resources, and other odd bits of helpful information we have happened across in our research.