Intel: The IPMA Weather Resource
The ultimate Portuguese weather channel.

Forget checking the forecast in Lisbon or Porto on the Weather Channel app, as it can be very inaccurate. There are so many micro-climates in Portugal that conditions can change drastically from one valley to another. (In fact, it can be sunny and five degrees warmer at my house, than at the beach 2 miles away–where it might be foggy or raining).
For the most accurate weather reporting in the country, check out the IPMA (The Portuguese Institute for the Ocean and Atmosphere). It’s in Celsius, but the detailed information is invaluable for those trekking across the country.
From the header menu, choose the District and then the City of inquiry:
Photo Source: IPMA
In each publication, Syllogi will share various tips, resources, and other odd bits of helpful information we have happened across in our research.