Intel: Best Timing to Visit a Park

Be wary of visiting Yellowstone or Yosemite in Winter!

Intel: Best Timing to Visit a Park

Navigating road closures, extreme temperatures, and overwhelming crowds can make-or-break a trip to the national parks. In the North, some of the most popular roads close as early as October due to snow. In Death Valley, averages temperatures often sore above 100°F and sometimes exceed 120°F, making it incredibly difficult to spend time there. In our experience, we have had the best luck with crowds in shoulder seasons of May, or September and October, even into November for parks further south.  

This helpful chart, available here, is a great guide for helping you plan in advance. 

Photo Credit: travel-experience-live

In each publication, Syllogi will share various tips, resources, and other odd bits of helpful information we have happened across in our research.