Intel: Amtrak's Red Caps

Save yourself the time and stress when it comes to train travel.

Intel: Amtrak's Red Caps

Amtrak, the US-based passenger railway service, has a high-touch service available to all of its passengers, but many don't know about it or use it.

Amtrak’s Red Cap service is an essential travel tip to know if you find yourself traveling by train with a child, especially when you're solo. These agents (dressed in signature red hats)  are there to help passengers who need a little extra care and attention as they embark on a journey. If you’re traveling with a child, find the agents close to the gate, and ask them for assistance. (Sometimes there will be a desk or station to request their service near the waiting or boarding area). They will escort you and your child to your seats, often before the rest of the passengers board, help you load your bags onto the train, and make sure you have everything you need prior to departure - all free of charge. We suggest giving them a tip, however – so have at least $5-10 cash on hand.

Note: The Red Cap service isn't just for families. It can also be excellent for those who need just a little bit of extra assistance. Even if you're feeling just a little anxious about getting on the right train, you can ask for help!

Learn more here:

Photo Credit: Amtrak

In each publication, Syllogi will share various tips, resources, and other odd bits of helpful information we have happened across in our research.